a) easy as pie
Not quite ! But that’s another good idiom anyway !
b) extremely simple
April Fool ! I thought I’d get you there. Nope, wrong answer !
c) too easy
You’re not kidding ? April Fool ! Try again !
d) none of the above
Well done ! You’re a smart cookie.

Believe it or not, this is actually a French idiom (Pronounce fine’gueur ine ze nauze). This is why you’ve never heard the Brits or the Americans use it. Carry on using it if you want to amuse them though.
Phrases that Anglophones would actually understand !
with one’s hands tied behind one’s back
as easy as falling off a log
like taking candy from a baby
a no-brainer
plain sailing
a piece of cake
a walk in the park
easy peasy, lemon squeezy
Everyday usage
In English, errrr..... NEVER ! Not seriously anyway.
Mais en français, c’est sûr, on peut le dire, le T-learning, c’est finger in the nose !
Missed last week’s phrase ? Catch up here