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T-learning # Idiom
Speak Like a Native

two heads are better than one

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Choose the correct definition a, b or c.

a) an event becomes more fun with more people involved

Sorry, wrong answer. Please try again.

b) you can never have too many friends

Sorry, wrong answer. Please try again.

c) two people can work something out more quickly than one person

Well done ! That’s the right answer.

Two people working together have a better chance of solving a problem than one person working alone.

French translation

deux avis valent mieux qu’un

How NOT to translate : *deux têtes sont mieux qu’une


Examples in context

‘How To Find The Right Partners For Your Business

The classic adage, “Two heads are better than one,” is famous for good reason – it is true in many situations, including in the business world. Of course, if you are looking for a partner for your company, finding the right mind (or minds) is crucial. Though time-consuming and often complex, this partner-seeking process can be divided into two main questions.’

Forbes, 28 April 2015


Two Heads are Better than One : The Importance of Collaboration in Research

As scientists, we are all working toward the same end goal : to cure human disease. With such a lofty goal ahead of us, there is no time for researchers to stand alone as islands. Quite the opposite : our own research has shown that if we cooperate with one another and communicate effectively, two heads really are better than one.’

The Huffington Post, 23 August 2013


Everyday usage

We should work together on the report for next week- two heads are better than one, after all.

The problem was solved much more quickly after Judy gave her opinion… Two heads are better than one.

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