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T-learning # Idiom
Speak Like a Native

two peas in a pod

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Choose the correct definition a, b or c.

a) being so similar as to be indistinguishable or nearly so

Well done ! That’s the right answer.

Being like two peas in a pod means to be very similar.

French translation

être du pareil au même, se ressembler comme deux gouttes d’eau


Examples in context

‘Should the Church of England remain silent on Israel-Palestine ?

The gap between the archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, and the chief rabbi, Lord Sacks – usually regarded as two peas in a pod – has rarely seemed wider.’, 12 July 2012


‘Ridley Scott and science fiction are two peas in a pod. The combination is seamless and gorgeous at the same time. He knows where to move the camera, where to lock you into the story and make really connect with the main characters. He’s one of the best in the sci-fi realm and he definitely shows it on screen.’, 7 June 2012


Everyday usage

We were two peas in a pod – we liked all the same things, and we did everything together.

b) acting restlessly or fidgeting

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